
Recycled Silicone Release Paper

Helping companies reduce their carbon footprint

10 May 2018

Techlan featured in Spring edition of Advances Wales

TECHLAN featured in Spring edition of ADVANCES WALES


ADVANCES WALES is a publication produced quarterly by the Welsh Government to showcase new developments in science, engineering and technology in Wales.

TECHLAN is proud to announce that its innovative technology was selected to appear in the Spring 18 edition.

In that edition TECHLAN features alongside new medical innovations that include screening for heart conditions, a diagnostic test for ovarian cancer and improved monitoring of epilepsy.

The Welsh Government is a leader in the UK in its commitment to improving sustainability and waste reduction.  Great emphasis has been placed upon the Circular Economy model as means of achieving these goals.

From an early stage it identified the potential for TECHLAN’s recycling technology to make a major contribution to the Circular Economy.  It supported the R&D programme and the opening of the production facility in Swansea.

The article explains how the process recovers hundreds of tons annually of waste silicon release liner that was previously disposed of to landfill.  TECHLAN’S technology reprocesses the liner and introduces it back into the supply chain as a high quality raw material.

It is a win win solution.  The waste producer cuts costs and improve their sustainability whilst the second user of the paper accesses a lower cost material  of exceptionally high quality.

A perfect example of the Circular Economy that not only makes good environmental sense but also economic sense.

To see the article on Techlan please visit page 20 at: